Aesthetic International

Aesthetic International is an independent, non- government, research, development and implementation organization working on sustainable development (SD) at local, regional and national levels. It is established in 2018. Now this organization is working on climate change research, agriculture and food security, disaster risk reduction, green energy, climate and health, water resource management, research & development and training.

Aesthetic International encourages multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary in its approaches of running programs and projects by full-time and part-time staff working in different capacities, with a group of senior experience professionals and scientists, and many mid-level professionals and researchers.

Area Of Our Works

Weather & Climate Change Research

Weather & Climate Change Research

Aesthetic International is working on weather and climate information to provide information in advance to the farmers as well as vulnerable peoples.

Agriculture & Food Security

Agriculture & Food Security

Agricultural systems that wisely use climate information can help to make better informed decisions at policy, institutional and community levels.

Disaster Risk Reduction

Disaster Risk Reduction

Disaster risk reduction is the concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic efforts to analyze and reduce the causal factors of disasters.

Risk Management

Risk Management

Reducing exposure to hazards, lessening vulnerability of people and property, wise management of land and the environment, and improving preparedness and early...

Green Energy

Green Energy

Aesthetic International is to meet the needs of our clients and to help build a cleaner environment for the future.

Climmate & Health

Climate & Health

SECL’s Climate and Health Program will help the country for the specific health impacts of climate change that the communities will face.

Water Resource Management

Water Resource Management

Reducing exposure to hazards, lessening vulnerability of people and property, wise management of land and the environment,

Research & Development

Research & Development

Aesthetic International research on climate services and safety nets works with a range of organizations to support...

Contact Us


House No: 1194 (4th Floor),
Avenue: 11, Mirpur DOHS,
Dhaka - 1216

Phone Number

+880 1716 983511