About Us

Aesthetic International

Aesthetic International is an independent, non- government, research, development and implementation organization working on sustainable development (SD) at local, regional and national levels. It is established in 2018. Now this organization is working on climate change research, agriculture and food security, disaster risk reduction, green energy, climate and health, water resource management, research & development and training.

Aesthetic International encourages multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary in its approaches of running programs and projects by full-time and part-time staff working in different capacities, with a group of senior experience professionals and scientists, and many mid-level professionals and researchers.

What We Are?

It is established in 2018, Aesthetic International is a research, development and implementation organization in the non-government sector of Bangladesh. It is independent, non-profit and specialized organization in action research, development and project implementation for sustainable development at local, regional and national levels.

Aesthetic International addresses sustainable development through the following interdisciplinary themes. They are:

  • Climate change research
  • Agriculture and food security
  • Disaster risk reduction
  • Green energy
  • Climate and health
  • Water resource management
  • Research & development and training

Our Mission

Our Mission

The mission of Aesthetic International is to provide effective, weather and climate research, specific demand of agricultural practices in weather forecasting, climate and integrated services to all categories farmer to increase sustainable and profitable crop production and thus to contribute to the safety of lives and properties and ensure socio-economic development of the country.

Our Vision

  • To undertake action research for advancing and supporting sustainable development and implementation at local, regional, national and international levels.
  • To develop ideas and models for efficient resource management, protection of the environment with an aim to promote sustainable development.
  • To undertake collaborative research with professionals, NGO, University as well as Govt. Institute in both national and international level to share knowledge and experience
  • To develop ideas and models for agricultural sectors to sustainable development
  • To enhance the capacity of private and public sectors to green environment and economy for ensuring sustainable development

Our Vision

Our Principles

  • High priority for the needs of climate-vulnerable peoples and hotspots of the country
  • Primary focus is the better access and use of climate information by users
  • Framework will address needs at three spatial scales: local, regional and national
  • Climate services must be operational and continuously updated
  • Climate information is primarily for agriculture and food security